“Life Bar” Gemmayze asks guests to dress as maids

“This Friday Night, Be Sinkara or Milenga.. Be Soumatra or Domma.. Create your own Maid Costume, Speak Like them and look like a Philippino, Bengladish, Sri Lanka or any maid you want and definitely win 100$ in cash. They do work all the month to get it.. Imitate them and win it in some few comedy moments.”

We really can’t miss an opportunity to be disgusting can we? A friend of mine just sent me an article by The Daily Star showing the following headline:

“Beirut bar cancels event inviting guests to dress as domestic workers”

The Anti-Racism Movement revealed the bar to be “Life Bar” and this is the original description in their Facebook event:

“They do work all the month to get it.. imitate them and win it in some few comedy moments”

This isn’t some cultural-themed party precisely because there is no such thing as a “maid culture”. This is just a disgusting event by men and women whose pathetic empty lives allow their conscience to be at ease while dancing to Dj Micha’s beat. It is pure racism of the lowest kind. To openly mock the men and women who leave their families to come and work in this country is indescribable.

FYI It’s Filipino, not “Philippino”, Bengali not “Bengladish”, and Sri Lankan not “Sri Lanka” (Sri Lanka is the country)

Clearly this was made by someone who failed grammar in school but that didn’t stop Cynthia Mehanna from graduating in Business Management at LAU. Isn’t this proof that we might want to set the university standards a tiny bit higher in this country? And I’m guessing Dj Micha couldn’t know the difference either.

A big thank you to the Anti-Racism Movement for making it public. This is the link to “Life Bar”‘s Facebook group and you can access Cynthia here or on 03678741 (all info come from their group). Changing the event description is not enough, we want an official apology from “Life Bar” to the 250,000 migrant men and women of this country. They deserve nothing less than our respect.

16 thoughts on ““Life Bar” Gemmayze asks guests to dress as maids

  1. Setting university standards a bit higher might be a solution, i would personally vouch for a basic IQ test as a prerequisite for entrance

  2. How sad..
    This country, is instead of developping, going backwards…
    I used to say that I was proud to be Lebanese..

  3. Dear (recipient) ,

    please accept this letter as a formal apology for what happened on the 23rd of january 2012 and the invitation for the maid imitating event that was scheduled to be on the 27th of January 2012 and Life Bar Cancelled it.

    It was not my intention to cause any damage or inconvenience . In retrospect , I believe the situation resulted from a misunderstanding , we usually create funny events in which our clients imitate different personalities and win prizes , we only thought to organize this competition just like any other organised at life bar before , without any intention of disrespect or discrimination or racism.

    Life Bar respect every single human being regardless of their colour , race, sex ,job or nationality. While this is by no means an excuse for what happened , knowing the cause will help us guard against future mistakes.

    Kind regards,

    Cynthia M.

  4. This doesn’t only happen in Lebanon. The shocking part is that we Lebanese claim to be the most respectful, generous, loving culture and that’s the result! So the deal is we go dance and laugh on other human’s sad life stories? So your next event is to dress up as an iraqi or palestinian baby with amputated arm, and give prizes for the most heart breaking costume? I imagine if Cynthia the owner was one of those poor maids and knew that there is a mockery party for her sad life how would she feel? the best apology is to go get some education and respect! I am very shocked with the immorality this bar has. Pathetic people!

  5. How about launching a campaign to boycott the bar ? Perhaps some group on facebook … i mean this is really unbelievable. anyone with a bit of dignity, some self-respect, IQ> 2 wouldn’t dare to think of such an event.

    I would also propose the following: the organizers should be put in a cage and travel around the country: curious visitors could then throw them bananas, peanuts and the likes. And the best performer (in cage) would get a well earned 100$

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