The campaign to stop the destruction of Raouche’s Al Dalia

الحملة الأهلية للحفاظ على دالية الروشة

“Because they want to see the sea, we can’t see the sky anymore” reads the poster. “They” of course refers to the upper class, the only class who can afford to live in Beirut’s ugly towers, and the corrupted, political class, the one selling the city to the highest bidder. It’s usually hard to differentiate them from one another.

Fighting against the privatization of public space is a race against time. Frantic, uncontrolled building of large towers in Beirut is chocking the population, forcing it into retreating to ever smaller spaces. Today, Raouche, Beirut’s cliff-side and among the last remaining public spaces of the capital, is being threatened by ongoing privatization for the sole benefit of the wealthy class. The current battle is focusing on the Al Dalia port (also spelled Daliyeh). As Rania Masri wrote on her blog, Green Resistance:

“Al-Dalia Port, across from the famous pigeon rocks in Raouche, is not the same any more. Some of the fishermen’s kiosks that were built decades ago have been flattened after bulldozers went to work yesterday to remove the rest of their kiosks and houses. Yet most of al-Dalia’s fishermen preferred to remain silent. What Beirut’s notorious contractors failed to do in the courts and through threats and intimidation – that is remove the fishermen from the land which they inherited from their forefathers – money succeeded in doing.”

Poster of the event shared on Nasawiya's Facebook page
Poster of the event shared on Nasawiya’s Facebook page

The civil campaign to protect Raouche’s Al-Dalia is calling for a protest (event) this Sunday the 18th starting 3pm at Al-Dalia, with the slogan “ارفعوا ورشتكم عن روشتنا” – an Arabic play on words; badly translated, it means: “Remove your construction work from our Raouche”. It is also calling for 10,000 signatures on its online petition.

For further reading and information:

Also, the Lebanese Economic Association‘s short documentary “Beirut, the Space in Between Hope and the Public

2 thoughts on “The campaign to stop the destruction of Raouche’s Al Dalia

  1. Dear Hummus for Thought,
    Thanks for this post. But I would like to clarify that the campaign was not started by myself, Mona and Mohamad. It was started by a much bigger group. Maybe this confusion was due to the fact that the names and numbers of the three of us were put on the Dalieh petition page, but that was just for media contact.
    I wanted to clarify and I hope you can edit that 🙂

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